Rose Claire

You’ve probably seen movies where the main character ventures to a psychic or medium who is positioned in a dark room, gazing mystically into a crystal ball, and telling the character’s future or claiming to give a message from a loved one who's passed, all while draped in robes or ethereal gowns. Well, guess what?
Nothing. Could. Be. Further. From. The. Truth.
As an evidential medium, I focus on gathering evidence from your loved ones who've crossed over and providing that to you. I will tell you that I don’t know who will come through because Spirit drives the session, which is both healing and informative. My role is simply to convey evidence first and then any message to you from your loved ones.
Psychic and Tarot readings with me are solid, relaxed, fun, and professional. Practical solutions and options are uncovered as well as opportunities, and your needs and goals are at the center of the reading.
My holistic approach encompasses more than the dynamics of the reading. I embrace standards of professionalism such as making it clear that your future is in your hands. You have choices, and you hold the power of your life—not anyone else, psychic or otherwise.
I also adhere to an ethical code and do not engage in scare tactics such as revealing curses that require you to pay exorbitant amounts of money to break! Or, asking for large sums of money for love spells that ensure the object of your desire will “magically” become yours. (Run like the wind if you ever meet these types of so-called “psychics”.)​
No matter what reading you select, know that you’ll come away with healing, choices, confirmation, or new ideas to think about and explore. Armed with this information, you’ll be empowered to steer your life or work in the direction you want.
Contact me at 727-201-3423 or roseclaire170@gmail.com.