by Rose Claire

As you may be aware, our favorite planet of communication (actually, the key planet of communication) began its backward cha cha cha smack dab into the sign of Virgo as of August 4. This is especially interesting for Virgos (and fellow Geminis) because Mercury is their ruling planet. But, on August 13, the mercurial planet ducks back into Leo for Act II of its show, taming some of the lion’s roar. But regardless of your sign, Mercury Retrograde is here and will makes its presence known to everyone--and in some positive ways as well!

When we think about Mercury Retrograde, it’s important to think about what it rules. Obviously, it governs anything to do with communication (so watch your mouth and keyboard!), but it also reigns over travel, commerce, education/learning, anxiety, hands and arms and the brain and nervous system. With all of those areas (and many offshoots of those areas) within Mercury’s hot little grasp, it’s easy to see how everyone can be impacted at some level and to some degree by this tiny, fiery planet near the sun.
So, what do we need to know about this Mercury Retrograde?
As mentioned, Virgos will batten down the hatches for some of this retrograde’s challenges but they, and all other signs, will not only deal with a few issues but also have the opportunity to take advantage of some of the positives of this Mercury Retrograde.
Okay. I know it’s not springtime, but this MR happens to be in Virgo, and Virgos are driven to create order from disorder. It’s like a compulsion for them. That means it’s a great time for all signs to use that energy for spring cleaning in August. So, dedicate a day to cleaning out the closets, re-organizing the garage, re-organizing your work projects and creating priorities. Revel in letting go! And, with all this organization and prioritization, you can put yourself in a position to blast forward once Mercury goes direct after August 27th.
Also, Virgo’s keen eye for details will help mitigate some of the mistakes that typically happen during MR, although it can also cause a bit more anxiety. Still, taking the time to think before you speak and to carefully proofread documents and correspondences will up the possibility of avoiding errors, or worse, putting your foot in your mouth.

Now, as noted before, on August 13th, Mercury waltzes right back into the sign of Leo. We all know those wonderful leonine folks love being out there and love themselves, too. Sometimes, though, Mercury Retrograde can pierce through their typical self-confidence and expose some vulnerabilities. That’s why it’s important for those Leos to take a step back and do a deep dive into who they are and what they really want.
But, it’s not just Leos that benefit from this energy: All signs do. So, after you’ve cleaned and re-organized everything so that Martha Stewart would be proud, it’s time to retreat. It’s time to take advantage of the leonine spirit and date yourself—really get to know you and what’s important to you. It may be time to reinvent or rework some things about yourself.
It’s also time to create—for you—not the big stage called everyone else in life. Pull out the paintbrushes and paint, the pen and paper or the crafts and clay. Give yourself permission to play just for the fun of it. You never know. What evolves from your fun may find its place out in the world one day.
So, what’s the big takeaway? Yes, Mercury Retrograde can be a pain in the patootie. It can cause frustration after frustration. But, its energy can be worked with, so it’s wrong to assume that all the ills of the world and your life are due to MR. Sure, some are, but there are also many positives to this planet’s periodic dosey doe. So, get your boots on and start dancing with the good stuff of MR: The more you do, the better your ride through this cycle.
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